
A deadly genetic virus has infected humanity.

  1. We are natural born sinners (Romans 5:12,17 ). “Original sin” is understood as the effect which the sin of Adam has upon us as a precondition of our lives. (Christian Theology, Erickson, Millard, Baker Book House, 1987, page 631) By representative headship Adam’s corruption and guild is imputed to us.
  2. We are sinners who sin in mind (Jeremiah 17:8-9 ), and will ( Romans 1:32 ), violating God’s law (Romans 3:19 ), and personal consience (Romans 2:15 ).
  3. We are spiritually depraved and unable to self correct ( Romans 5:6 , Ephesians 2:1-8 , Titus 3:5 ).

Sins threat to humanity-curse

  1. Self
  2. Relationships
  3. God’s Judgement

It may fairly be claimed that the Fall narrative gives the only convincing explanation of the perversity of human nature that the world has ever seen. Pascal said that the doctrine of original sin seems an offense to reason, but once accepted it makes total sense of the entire human condition. He was right, and same thing may and should be said of the Fall narrative itself.” (Concise Theology, Packer, J.I., Tyndale House Publishers, 1993)

Humanity is messed up.